Explore our site for more Angelic Wisdom and Blessings.
Click on the picture of any of the Angel Books and Scroll down to hear the Matching Angel Meditation Audio Samples.
Get Empowered and Remember your Spiritual gifts.
How would you like to have Archangels and the power of your imagination helping you create a fantastic life?
Relax and let the Archangels do the heavy lifting.
One of the most important messages the Archangel's and Saints are wanting you to get is to call them often and they will come to help. They say our habits make us who we are and calling Angels is a great habit for enhancing your life.
If you call them they will come.
The Angels helped create an Audio and Book Series that does just that. Understanding Archangels may be called to inspire and assist us is a wonderful game-changer. The help the Archangels provide is above and beyond.
There are close to 20 Archangelology Journeys now so you have something really fun to look forward to. Like when you are a kid collecting Barbies or video games.
All the Archangels bring their own Unique gifts and abilities to help.
Archangel Michael assists with healthy boundaries and protection, Archangel Raphael helps us with Money and Well-Being. Archangel Haniel assists us with Love and creating better relationships. Archangel Zadkiel assists us with forgiveness and invokes the Violet Flame. Archangel Raziel brings Wisdom. Wisdom for better relationships, making better decisions about our money, Wisdom for taking better care of our bodies, and mind. Archangel Camael brings courage and inspiration, moving forward when we feel stuck. Archangel Gabriel brings hope. If we have hope we can do anything. Archangel Jophiel assists us in glowing with attractiveness by helping us release the judgement of self and others. Archangel Metatron brings their revitalizing sacred geometry skills. Archangel Orion assists with the new evolutionary skills humans are experiencing at this time. Archangel Sandalphon assists us with having a harmonious life. The Sun Angels uniquely bring power and passion to any project. The Moon Angels assist us in lifting our vibration and mood.
Archangel Barachiel reminds us to count our Heavenly Blessings.
There is an Archangel here for everyone. It is fun how each Archangel has their own book and Matching Meditation Audio, and then other Archangels will make guest appearances to bring the magic, which is Archangel Alchemy. It is truly a Divinely Intelligent and interactive Experience. With the choice of a Book, audio, or both, it becomes a multi-layered extra sensory experience that the Archangels created for us. In the footsteps of Og Mandino, we will remember that reading an Uplifting short book for a prescribed number of nights will create lovely positive shifts. 44 Nights are suggested to Infuse an Angelic Uplifted Mindset that will flow over positively in your life. If this is not the time for that, enjoy any of these small books in the Archangelology Series for daily contemplation and Focus on Blessings and more.
I look forward to you enjoying and reactivating your knowing and connection with these Celestial beings. Take full advantage of this chance to play with the Powerful Archangelology Series. If you Call Them They Will Come. Collect them all.
Archangelogy Matching Audios Here Infused with Angelic Frequencies
Archangelology Book Series Here
All Books and audios here at Archangelologydotcom from Kim Caldwell are for entertainment purposes only. Please always check with a qualified professional when needed.
Meet your Angels in one of our Bestselling Matching Books. Review Page Here
The Blue Flame Angels are such a fantastic addition to your Angelic Alchemy.
The Blue Flame Angels appear to us now to help Dismantle any non-beneficial frequencies, situations, or issues in your life or the world that no longer serve and bring in Divine Freedom, Sovereignty, and Blessings.
One of the main intentions of the Archangelology Audio and matching book Series is to help you connect to your Higher Self more often. As you call and connect with The Blue Flame Angels more often, you will start to feel how you have more conscious control concerning connecting to your Higher Self. As you practice bringing in The Blue Flame Angels and your Higher Self more often, you'll start to see your life from a Birdseye view to dissolve things that no longer serve you and allow the Archangels to bring you more blessings. This is a uniquely Divine Process that, as you play with, you will become more of the Master that you are. The Blue Flame Angels want you to get in the habit of calling and playing with them to bring you more peace of mind and blessings. Be patient while working with The Blue Flame Angels. Take time for your Energetic Intelligence to integrate with The Blue Flame Angels gracefully and effortlessly. Rest after working with The Blue Flame Angels and go at your own pace. There is no hurry. These Divine Angelic Beings are with you anytime you call and want you to feel comfortable, relaxed, and playful when interacting with them.
The Blue Flame Angels are mighty and a celestial creative force and they want you to feel Empowered when interacting with them. Their Abilities are Miraculous, and you can expect some exciting, happy surprises and Angelic Blessings to shimmer.
Spending time with The Blue Flame Angels helps you connect to your Divine Wisdom and gives you the bigger picture of what your life is really about. Bringing in The Blue Flame Angels, the Archangels, and The Saints gives you a decisive advantage. The bird' s-eye view you get when working with your Angels helps you navigate things in a way that brings more Heaven to Earth.
If you have been called to this Blue Flame Angel Experience, be aware that you can call the Blue Flame Angels to any situation going on in the world that needs to be filled with so much Light and Blue Flame that in Divine time, it either becomes something better that resonates with Heaven on Earth, or it shimmers away for the highest good Miracle Mindset. This takes practice, so be very easy with yourself and enjoy the process. Especially if there are areas where Freedom is being denied, or confused individuals are trying to take others' freedoms away, this is the perfect time to call The Blue Flame Angels to bring their Celestial Brilliance to Create Freedom, Liberty, and Blessings for all. May the Blue Flame Angels bless you and your entire circle of influence.
The Blue Flame Angels charge situations with the Angelic Frequencies to remove the unwanted and fill those spaces with Divine Blessings.
Watch as the Blue Flame Angels shimmer and move their Angel Wings to break up any non-beneficial energies, dissolving and melting them with Grace and celestial wisdom.
May this offering bring you and your great Blessings.
Get your Blue Flame Angel Audio here
Get Your Blue Flame Angel Book Here
All Books and audios here at Archangelologydotcom from Kim Caldwell are for entertainment purposes only. Please always check with a qualified professional when needed.
Kim Caldwell is the Founder of the Archangelology matching Meditation Audio and Book Series. She is an internationally known best selling author whose voice has helped millions reclaim their joy and power. Kim's Voice is featured in all the audios on our site.
Kim is gifted with the ability to translate the Angelic energy frequencies and flow them to others. She and the Archangels created the Archangelology Book and Matching Audio Series together.
She is also the creator of the Activate Your Abundance 44 day book and matching audio program.
She has found systems and tools that get desired results; she naturally combines these skills to create a Wonderful Well-Being Alchemy infused in all the offerings here at Archangelology.com.
She is certified as a Medical Intuitive and Lightwave Energy Practitioner.
If you could change one thing in your life for the better what would it be?
Bring that answer to your audios and books and we will start moving toward that for you.
The Angelic help will leave you feeling lighter and with more hope.
Kim loves to remind people that we are never alone, and all we need to do is call, and Heavenly help will come.
The Divine Books and Matching Meditation Audios receive many 5 out of 5 stars - Discover how others are enjoying this Angel Series here.
Enjoy our sound samples and purchase your own Angel Meditations in our shop. The Angel Audios in Our Shop are charged with Angelic Frequencies for many Blessings. Purchase Violet Flame Audio Here
Meet your Angels in one of our Bestselling Matching Books. Review Page Here
You will love these quick 11-minute Uplifting Audios featuring your Archangels with the Superpower Saints. I have had many lovely listeners ask for shorter meditations, and here they are with the added power of the Saints.
As you play with this Divine combination of a powerful Saint with an Archangel that has the perfect set of skills to enhance that particular Saint, the Archangel-Saint Alchemy magic starts to happen. Expect to feel calmed and supported as each Saint Audio infuses you with Divine Confidence and Inspiration. Each audio is just 11 minutes, so they are perfect for playing when you want a quick lift and realign to your Divine Spiritual Gifts. Expect to have fun and meet some new Divine Playmates with the Superpower Saints Audios and matching book.
There are 10 Saint Audios for you to choose to help you relax and call on some masters for more of the life you love. The Superpower Saints Volume 1 and
Volume 2. Click picture to learn more.
One of the most important messages the Angels are sending now is they are here to help us, and they want us to call them frequently and include them in all areas of our lives we would like a boost. The Key is to remember to call them, and the best way I have found to help with this is to stay conscious and practice interacting with our Divine Archangels and Celestial beings in our imagination. Each of these Audio's is an Imagination Creation for you to have fun with while developing your ability to interact with and Call your Archangels when needed—always being easy on yourself, as this is a practice.
These Divine Audios are 22 minutes each and are designed to uplift you and raise your spirit. Abraham-Hicks (one of my favorite teachers) has so lovingly taught us that things will shift if we keep our focus Up to a little better place for just 22 seconds. Here we take as much time as we need to play with the Archangels with focus and intention of raising our vibration and so much more. Play and dance with your Archangels and many special guests in this movement series. The music is very peppy, so get ready to do your happy dance. You may want to move in your imagination or move for real. These Upbeat Audios are also wonderful for making any task more fun. Listen to your audios while you do the dishes , clear clutter or anything else you would like to enjoy more.
The only rule with these Divine Audios is having fun, and you are the boss. You are the Star of your Show in these audios as you spend time aligning with your Archangels and Celestial Beings.
There are guest appearances by Saint Germain , Saint Lazurus, Mary Magdalene and more.
Discover more about each Angelic Audio with sound samples here
All audios here at Archangelologydotcom from Kim Caldwell are for entertainment purposes only. Please always check with a qualified professional when needed. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any Exercise Program.
Luck is that invisible thing that all of us want more. It could be said that the Archangels are masters at creating more Luck for people. Albert Einstein and Neville Goddard said that Imagination is a creative force. So we spend time now intending to create a lucky you with this imagination creation. The more you play with this Luck audio, the more fun you'll have. So we spend time with our Archangels to create a lucky life.
Archangel Raphael, the Divine Master of Well-Being and Fortune, along with Archangel Raziel, the Angel of wisdom, are joined by Archangel Barachiel for Blessings and Archangel Metatron, who brings sacred geometry Luck. Saint Lucy joins the party to help us see the unseen Luck around us and infuse it into our field. Archangel Jophiel and Haniel join to help us have more Self Love and Non-judgment for more Lucky Relationships. And meet your benevolent Leprechaun who wants to grant your wishes in this Imagination Creation. This all comes together to create Archangel Alchemy Luck. The audio is filled with upbeat music that will make you want to move in your mind or for real. This audio intends to Uplift you whether you move physically or need a Mood uplift. We will take time together to create a Luck Container for you.
Let's get started creating Lucky You.
Get your own lucky Angel Movement Audio Here
All audios here at Archangelologydotcom from Kim Caldwell are for entertainment purposes only. Please always check with a qualified professional when needed. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any Exercise Program.
I discovered The 7 Flames of the Mighty Elohim from the book Ascended Masters Speak on angels Volume 15 in the Saint Germain Series after a particularly challenging period. When I found them, I cried tears of joy as I knew they were something special and here to help me and others at this time. As I started working with these "masters," subtle, fabulous shifts in consciousness started taking place. Of course, everyone experiences Divine Beings uniquely, and I intend that this Divine Audio bring you and yours blessings and peace.
In this Divinely Inspired audio, The Mighty Elohim will dance and play with the Archangels for a uniquely integrative energetic Upgrade. May this happen with peace and ease. Each Archangel from the Archangelology Series brings their fabulous gifts and energy to enhance the 7 Flames in different beneficial areas of our lives. The intention is always more Well-being, Peace, fortune, and joy.
The Archangels that join the Mighty Elohim for a fabulous imagination creation are as follows.
1. Archangel Michael for Divine support and security.
2. Archangel Raphael for well-being and fortune.
3. Archangel Haniel for more self-love and nurturing.
4. Archangel Uriel for more Peace. Remembering that Peace is priceless.
5. Archangel Camael for Divine Courage with moving forward in life at the right moment. Timing is everything.
6. Archangel Gabriel for more hope during challenging times.
7. Archangel Metatron shares their Sacred Geometry for more Well-being.
8. Archangel Zadkiel brings their Divine Forgiveness with their Violet Flame.
9. Archangel Orion brings in Cosmic Consciousness for more Freedom.
10. Archangel Sandalphon reminds up to sing to and call our Archangels daily for Divine Support.
11. Archangel Jophiel joins to help us infuse non-judgment into our lives for exponential blessings.
12. Archangel Barachiel joins to help us count our blessings, thus attracting more of what we love.
And more surprises for your enjoyment and entertainment.
The 7 Flames of the Mighty Elohim, combined with the Archangels, are a wonderful addition to any part of your life you would like a little boost.
Click here to purchase The 7 Flames of the Mighty Elohim
All audios here at Archangelologydotcom from Kim Caldwell are for entertainment purposes only. Please always check with a qualified professional when needed.
Enjoy Kim's Meditations and consider purchasing your own Angel Meditation in our shop. The Angel Audios in Our Shop are charged with Angelic Frequencies for many Blessings. Purchase Michaels Audio Here
Enjoy Kim's Meditations and consider purchasing your own Angel Meditation in our shop. The Angel Audios in Our Shop are charged with Angelic Frequencies for many Blessings. . Purchase Raphael Audio Here
The Music Master Behind the Archangelology Series.
The first time I heard Christopher's music after too many years to admit I searched, I cried the sweetest tears. I knew I had found the magical piece to complete the Archangels Arrival. Thank you, Christopher at enlightenedaudio.com
Together Publishing is for Entertainment Purposes Only. If you need medical or legal advice please consult a qualified Professional.
Copyright © 2021 Archangelology LLC - All Rights Reserved. Archangelology LLC, Together Publishing and this site are for entertainment purposes only. Nothing here is meant to treat or diagnose, If you need help always consult a professional.
Site Artwork Nicola Zalewski & Pixi Covers